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This durational walking performance is a quest for posthuman empathy, a rite to attune with kin species. The journey speaks to the world through silent rituals, operatic murmurs, and biophysical music.

MμRMUR: The Deer is the latest episodes from the Humane Methods saga by Fronte Vacuo. In the performance, three otherworldly characters hit the streets engaging the people around them to reflect on the morphing of local ecosystems.

The main character is the Deer, a female human figure with the behavioural and physical traits of a male deer. Throughout the long walk it holds a pair of antlers with only the strength of its neck and nothing else. It is a living statement of queerness: in nature, mostly male animals produce antlers.

The second character is the Officiant, a master of ceremonies. A masked, thin body without a face but wearing a luminous crown, his tasks are to accompany the sacred Deer with a ritualistic choreographic prayer and attract followers from the surroundings.

The third character is the Shadow. A black-clad body with an operatic bass voice, it accompanies the group while singing and murmuring for hours and hours, marking the rhythm of each step and the passing of time. Its powerful voice is gently amplified through portable speakers and digitally manipulated in real-time via sensors on his body.

Audiences are invited to witness the trio departure and their arrival at dedicated locations, as well as to join them along the walk for whatever amount of time one may feel suitable. The trio will invite more people along the way and whoever can join the group and leave at any time.

Yet the piece expands beyond the physical realm of the streets into the data world. The entire performance is continuously filmed live by a walking crew, transforming the piece into a cinematic, surrealist audiovisual experience that is streamed in real time online, making it accessible worldwide, step by step.


  • iii + Conflux Festival
    from The Hague to Rotterdam, NL, 2024
  • Atelierhof Kreuzberg
    Berlin, DE, 2024
  • World Premiere. Volkstheater Wien,
    Vienna, AT, 2024
FRONTE VACUO Est. 2019-until the doom. | All media are copyright of Fronte Vacuo GbR unless otherwise stated.